Previous Online Internationals

ECF Online International Calendar

The International Calendar for 2021 can be found here:

ECF Online International Calendar Internationals

Nations League Seasons 1 – 3 (2020, February to April 2021 and June to July 2021) (ECF Members Club) ⚔⚔

The ECF members club is a member of the Nations league and played in Seasons 1, 2 and 3 of the competition, fielding an England team in the top division 1 which consists of 12 National Teams.

You can find the full set of England matches with individual games on the ECF members club matches page here:

You can find further details and match reports here:

The Nations League

We came third in Season 3 of the 2021 Nations League with teams and final standings as follows:

Argentina (Federacion Argentina de Ajedrez)

Canada (Chess Federation of Canada)

England (English Chess Federation)

Jamaica (Jamaica Chess Federation)

Kyrgyzstan (Kyrgyz Republic)

Poland (Polski Zwiazek Szachowy)

Romania (RomaniaChessFederation)

United States (US Chess)

#NameRd 1Rd 2Rd 3Rd 4Rd 5Rd 6Rd 7TotalTB Head-to-Head
1Kyrgyz RepublicW5W7W2W4W6D3W86.5100
4United StatesL2W6W7L1L3W8W54.099

European and World Leagues ( Team England-Live and Team England) ⚔⚔

We also endorse the Team-England-Live club for members wishing to participate in online International matches and Events in the relevant International leagues including:

The Live Chess European League (Season 1),

and the Live chess World League (Season 5)

We also endorse the Team England club for daily events in the relevant daily leagues.

lichess Internationals

lichess England Team Events (Open Events)

We are currently (June 2021) taking part in four leagues or series on lichess as follows:

Bundesliga/ Quarantane League (Sunday and Thursday Evenings at 7-00 pm)

The lichess English Chess Players team takes part in the Quarantane League on Sunday and Thursday. This is a league with tens of divisions each consisting of 10 teams. Team battles are played at 3 | 2 time control with the top 3 team from each event moving up a division and bottom three moving down after each match. We are currently in division 5.

lichess Bundesliga

Champions League (Tuesday evening at 6.30 pm)

We also take part in the weekly Champions league which is a 2 hour Team Battle Arena at 6.30 pm on Tuesdays. This is a 3|0 Arena with about 30 National teams.

Russia Big Team Battle

These are fortnightly team battles with a blitz competition at 3|2 followed by a bullet competiton at 2|1.

Lichess Mega Team Battles

These are official lichess events which take place at 5-00 pm on Friday afternoons with around 200 teams.

Previous Events

lichess Saturday Masters 🏆

The Saturday Masters was a series of team battles during the first half of 2021 at 4:00 on on Saturday Afternoons with up to 40 National teams competing in an Arena at 3|0 for 90 minutes. Entry is open to English Chess Players team members. Previous tournaments, current standings and scheduled events can be found here:

English Chess Players Tournaments

April Team Standings

lichess Nations Cup 🏆 ⚔⚔⚔⚔

The ECF English players club open team took part in the Cup of Nations league on lichess in 2019/ 2020, where we won the cup in February and have qualified for the final in in the months since then.

This is a league organised by lichess members to run a series of monthly competitions with a group stage and finals for the Nations Cup.

You can find further details here: lichess Nations Cup

lichess Nations League 🏆 ⚔⚔⚔⚔

The Nations League ran for several months during Summer 2020. The Cup has a web site which you can find here:

Our third div 1 match was played on Saturday 20th June at 7-00 pm. This was a battle of 9 National teams and 20 leaders at 3|2 blitz time control. We fielded England Open and Women’s teams.

GM Keith Arkell and Midlands player Henrik95 led the way for the English Players Open team finishing in 6th place. Jovanka Houska captained the Women’s team who finished in 7th in the Open competition. We are continuing to move up the league although there is clearly some strong competition as we are in the top division.

The Cup split into East and West divisions with Open and Women’s Sections in both.

We played our second open match in the East Division 1 on Saturday 27th June finishing 5th.
The England Women’s team played in the Women’s section with a first match here on Saturday 27th June finishing 7th.

Our last match in the league was on July 18th at the link here where we finished in 6th place.

lichess World Series ⚔⚔⚔⚔

The English Players team also took part in regular World Series events on Saturday afternoons during the Summer months.

We played in the final World 10 Countries team battle on lichess at 1-00 pm on Saturday 4th July. We came first in a field of ten nations including teams from Pakistan, India, the Phillipines, Spain, Morocco, Syria, and Brazil. You can find full details here.

Friendly Internationals

England v Philippines Women’s Invitational – 10/10

The England Women’s team played in the first Series 1 Team Battle between the England and Philippines Women’s teams. Full details of the event can be found at the link here: England v Philippines Women’s International

England v South Africa – 27/09

We won our friendly international team battle against the South African Federation on lichess by 220-182. The match was played on Sunday Morning 27/09 from 10-30 am to midday. Results can be found here with some great individual performances against a strong South African team.

English Women’s Internationals – 28th May and 4th June

The English Women’s team led by Jovanka Houska runs a regular schedule of club events and International team battles.

The team took part in a two week Online International Women’s team battle on lichess against a number of European National teams. The group stage was played on 28th May and the finals on 4th June at 18-30 British Summer Time.

We came second in round 1 qualifying for the top group of 5 nations on 4th June where the England team played against Germany, France, Austria, and Hungary. The final was won by the German team with the French team in second. We came third just keeping our lead against the Austrian team to overturn the previous weeks order and ahead of the Hungarian team in 5th.

An outstanding result for the England Women’s team in the inaugural lichess Womens team battle against nine other European federations across the two rounds. The match links can be found here along with Jovanka’s commentary.

Events in May 2020

lichess Nations Cup – First Round 30th May
We took part in the 1st round of the newly formed lichess Nations Cup Blitz Series on 30th May – finishing fourth in a very strong field with Armenia taking the top spot, Egypt and Holland in 2nd and 3rd and England in fourth out of the ten competing nations. Many thanks to all those who played in the event which with the fourth spot being enough for us to have qualified for the first division of the newly formed league.

England v Bangladesh lichess Team Battle – 2 May

An ECF English players team took part in a 1:1 team battle with the Bangladesh Federation team on 2 May with some fighting performances from the England team. We fielded a GM on board 1 and there were 29 English players versus 50 in the Bangladesh team. We took the top 3 individual spots and won the match overall by 199 to 143 points. You can see full details of the event and results here:

Lichess Amateur Olympiad – 2 May

The ECF English players team also managed an excellent results from the Amateur Olympiad on lichess on 2 May. This one was organised by Imran Mughal of the Pakistan Federation. The team battle was a 90-minute arena with 10 teams and 10 leaders. English player Ferrari-Fan led the way on top board and we moved into the top three around the halfway point. We were then able to edge in front of the Pakistan team (despite Imran’s encouragement to his players in the chat room) to finish in second place behind a very strong Team Spain. Again you can find full details of the event and results on lichess at the link below:

Events in February, March and April

April Cup of Nations

We came 7th in our group stage match in the Cup of Nations on lichess on the 23rd April. IM Thomas Rendle put in a fighting performance on board 1, as did the whole team – however the opposition proved too strong overall and the qualification spots for the final on the 24th April went to the Iranian, Nigerian and Bangladesh teams. So its another month of hurt, but we will be back stronger for the May Cup.

First International Weekend – 14th – 15th February 2020

Second International Weekend – March 2020

Beta Testing Team Battle

Archive / Previous International Events