ECF Online Ratings

ECF Online Ratings are now maintained within the main ECF rating system with current ratings available at the link here:

The form below provides access to historic ratings from January 2020 up to September 2021.

ECF September Online Rating List

Version 1-0 – 20/09/2021


Find your rating

This page provides access to the ECF online ratings lists. The lists are updated on a monthly basis based on results from ECF online club games and ECF registered events up to the end of the previous month.

Find player – Enter your surname (or part of your surname) to find player details with current standard, rapid and blitz ratings, previous months history, and events for the last month.

Find Clubs or Club Players – Alternatively enter club name (or part club name) to find clubs and a list of club members with online standard, rapid and blitz ratings.

Top Players – Select top players to see a list of the top 100 highest rated players who have taken part in ECF online rated events based on the selected sort order (standard, rapid or blitz).

Events Received – Press the Events Received buttons to see the full list of events received and processed for rating as part of the list.

Rating Calculations – Please follow the link here for further details of how the different ratings are calculated.

ECF online Rating Calculation

September 2021 Ratings

This is the August list based on ECF Members and English players club events between 8th January 2020 and 31st August 2021. The ECF internet ratings are published monthly during each month based on games played up to the end of the previous month.

Any revisions to the list will usually appear later in each month and in advance of the next month’s list.

Previous Rating Lists

Previous lists can be found in the archives here:

Previous Online Ratings